PriceHunterApp: Shop smarter
Do you want to pay less for your daily purchases and just get your costs under control? It's not that easy with today's huge selection. The solution is coming soon though: PriceHunterApp.

Do you want to pay less for your daily purchases and just get your costs under control? It's not that easy with today's huge selection. The solution is coming soon though: PriceHunterApp.
Small differences make up a large amount in the long term
A Swiss consumer magazine found out in 2019 that the same weekly purchase can cost up to 60% more depending on the provider. That adds up!
Our App will help you and show you where you can buy your favorite products at the best price, if there are other quantities of them cheaper or which alternative products might be interesting for you.
That way you save money without losing time or missing out on without important products.